Cleantech R&D

The radical changes required to address the climate crisis need innovation in core technologies to drive the next generation of Cleantech – Aethergy are seeking these breakthroughs

Innovative products rely on innovative core technologies – Aethergy are committed to develop world changing Clean Technologies to help make our future sustainable.

The Aethergy team have over a decade of fundamental physics research experience as well as over 20 years of product and process development experience. We are applying this expertise to research and develop the novel technologies, materials and processes required to realise our Micro Energy Harvesting Devices.

The output of this R&D may well have applications beyond our devices and Aethergy will explore the commercialisation of these technologies as they are developed.

Contact Us today to see if we have the novel technology needed to assist with your product development.

Alternatively – If you need support on an R&D project or need to outsource an R&D project please see our Innovation R&D page where you may be surprised at the potential savings.