Innovation R&D

Innovation doesn’t happen by accident – It happens through the ability to combine free thinking and ideas with engineering rigour and knowledge, all honed by experience – Aethergy are Innovators at your service.

Innovation R&D Projects

Not all companies have dedicated engineering, product development or R&D capabilities inhouse, this shouldn’t mean that they cannot be innovative or push boundaries in their industries.

The UK and Irish governments have recognised this and have Innovation R&D tax credit schemes established where tax relief is provided against the cost of funding Innovation R&D – whether it is conducted by the company or sub-contracted to a suitably qualified R&D provider:

Aethergy has a wealth of experience and capability in performing fundamental research and development including physics, materials and mechanics, product development, process engineering and production.

Learn more about Aethergy’s ability to support your Innovation R&D Projects and help drive your Sustainability evolution.

Innovation Support

You may not think your company is actively doing Innovation or doesn’t have the capability – This is rarely true, Aethergy can help support you to understand what Innovation can look like, assess your business’ Innovation activities and facilitating workshops to support Innovation ideation, strategy and implementation.

Learn more about Aethergy’s Innovation Support services and the expertise in Sustainability we can offer.

R&D Partnerships and Alliances

Aethergy are interested in lending their experience and knowledge to larger projects and consortiums to help achieve greater goals that no organisation may achieve on their own.

Please Contact Us today if you would like to discuss partnering with us, lets explore the possibilities