Sustainability Pathway

Sustainability will have a unique meaning to your business and Aethergy will help you explore and express what that is.

Here we have identified several stages of potential corporate responses and activity with regards to Sustainability. We’re notjudgemental on where your company is on this pathway or where it aims to be, this is simply a tool to illustrate what Sustainability can achieve and to maybe help inspire thoughts and ambitions of how Sustainability can benefit your company, it’s investors, employees, customers and of course, the environment.


Businesses may carry on as-is until change is forced. This may be intentional or potentially through unawareness of e.g. the legislation or regulations that apply to them. This isn’t on the Sustainability pathway yet, it may not even be in sight!


Do the
Minimum Required
A business may chose to do the minimum required to meet regulatory and legislative requirements. Congratulations, this is the start of the Sustainability pathway and ensuresya company is compliant to local and international regulations, bringing security for a business in supplying it’s goods free from fines or repercussions for non-compliances.


Do What
A business may e.g. cut carbon emissions if it cuts costs or may get green certification if it boosts sales. This is a good first step along the Sustainability pathway and has clear financial benefits for the company as well as modest environmental benefits. Every little helps though and the more businesses that take this step, the greater the cumulative effect for the environment.


Do a Fair
A business may e.g. commit to matching national or science based targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions. This is an excellent progression which will have a more significant environmental impact and is a clear statement a company can make to it’s customers of it’s principals.

The targets committed to need to be carefully considered as national targets may have been influenced by international politics and could result in reduced competitiveness in some instances. This may take innovation to achieve but could result in tangible product and process improvements.


Do Mission
A business may aim e.g. for net-zero carbon emissions and zero deforestation in supply chains. This is really transformative behaviour and is of the scale needed to help make a global change to the environment. We appreciate it simply may not be achievable for all businesses or industries to strive for. To be successful, it needs corporate buy-in from owners and investors through the entire senior management chain and finance department.

This is a goal which can help drive significant technical innovation, it can help inspire employees and make them proud to work for your company. It is also an excellent corporate differentiator to help set you and your products apart in the market.


This is the gold-standard Sustainability aspiration, a business would transform it’s way of operating to sequester carbon, reverse pollution and build a community and better society. A company who aims for this becomes a thought leader in their space, they set the trends and examples for others to follow.

This sets you apart as a leader in principals and actions. It may be totally unachievable for many businesses to contemplate but there are companies already striving for this, you don’t bring about global change without thinking big!


Businesses may carry on as-is until change is forced. This may be intentional or potentially through unawareness of e.g. the legislation or regulations that apply to them. This isn’t on the Sustainability pathway yet, it may not even be in sight!


Do the
Minimum Required
A business may chose to do the minimum required to meet regulatory and legislative requirements. Congratulations, this is the start of the Sustainability pathway and ensuresya company is compliant to local and international regulations, bringing security for a business in supplying it’s goods free from fines or repercussions for non-compliances.


Do What
A business may e.g. cut carbon emissions if it cuts costs or may get green certification if it boosts sales. This is a good first step along the Sustainability pathway and has clear financial benefits for the company as well as modest environmental benefits. Every little helps though and the more businesses that take this step, the greater the cumulative effect for the environment.


Do a Fair
A business may e.g. commit to matching national or science based targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions. This is an excellent progression which will have a more significant environmental impact and is a clear statement a company can make to it’s customers of it’s principals.

The targets committed to need to be carefully considered as national targets may have been influenced by international politics and could result in reduced competitiveness in some instances. This may take innovation to achieve but could result in tangible product and process improvements.


Do Mission
A business may aim e.g. for net-zero carbon emissions and zero deforestation in supply chains. This is really transformative behaviour and is of the scale needed to help make a global change to the environment. We appreciate it simply may not be achievable for all businesses or industries to strive for. To be successful, it needs corporate buy-in from owners and investors through the entire senior management chain and finance department.

This is a goal which can help drive significant technical innovation, it can help inspire employees and make them proud to work for your company. It is also an excellent corporate differentiator to help set you and your products apart in the market.


This is the gold-standard Sustainability aspiration, a business would transform it’s way of operating to sequester carbon, reverse pollution and build a community and better society. A company who aims for this becomes a thought leader in their space, they set the trends and examples for others to follow.

This sets you apart as a leader in principals and actions. It may be totally unachievable for many businesses to contemplate but there are companies already striving for this, you don’t bring about global change without thinking big!