Energy Assessment & Audits

Knowledge is Power – Literally!

Aethergy Energy Audits give your business quantitative analysis and insights to your energy usage which enables targeted action to reduce energy usage and save costs.

Aethergy can audit all aspects of your business as part of an internal process or to identify energy efficiencies and cost savings throughout your organisation. This could be through investigating:

& Facilities

& Supply Chain

& Manufacturing

Whether this is part of an internal audit or compliance with legislation we regularly identify cost savings of up to 40% for our clients with typical pay back periods of 1-3 years on implemented recommendations.

Tailor the scope and focus of your energy audit

Aethergy will support you in identing the scope and focus ofthe audit to support your current needs, this could range from an individual product or manufacturing process through to full corporate assessment.

Typical Scopes

  • New product energy efficiency design review support
  • Individ ual product total energy assessment
  • Individual process or manufacturing line assessment
  • Local or full fleet energy review
  • Per product, perfacility or corporate supply chain review
  • Full site or facility audit
  • Full Corporate audit
  • E805 and EED compliance

Audit and Assessment

Aethergy follows our proven workflow to provide clear outcomes and actionable recommendations.


Agree the scope of the audit.


Investigate, audit, measure and analyse the data.


Audit and assessment findings, recommendations and potential savings action plan.


Aethergy could offer implementation support for the action plans.

Energy audits are closely aligned to quantifying your Carbon Footprint
If you would like this to form part of your assessment please contact us to discuss further.

Aethergy will perform Audits to the European Standard BS EN 16247 ‘Energy Audits’ and are compliant with UK energy legislation including:

ESOS (Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme)

EED (Energy Efficiency Directive)

BS EN 16247

Part 2: Buildings

Part 3: Processes

Part 4: Transport

Our assessors are accredited by the Energy Institute.