Cost Reduction

Energy usage can form up to X% of a business’ operating costs. Aethergy can help you reduce your costs which will inherently bring environmental benefits.

Our experience coupled with our methodologies and insights means we know there are cost savings to be made in your business. Sometimes you just need a fresh set of eyes to see it.

We aim save you at least 10% on your energy costs!

Our team have vast experience analysing processes and identifying gaps and inefficiencies in your business. We would expect to make recommendations which have an immediate cost saving in the first year and a return on investment in the first three years.

Aethergy has expertise in assessing energy use and wastage across multiple industries.

Our assessment may cover areas such as:


  • Buildings and HVAC
  • Working patterns and shifts
  • Utilities supply
  • Waste management


  • Supply chain
  • Distribution
  • Corporate fleet
  • Employee commuting


  • Machinery and plant
  • Process and manufacturing flow
  • Energy wastage and recovery
  • Monitoring and control
  • Maintenance and downtime
  • Utilisation

Contact us today to discuss how Aethergy can help reduce your costs.

Depending on your business our assessment may be a mix of desk-based analysis, onsite employee engagement and direct measurement and quantification.

For further information see the Aethergy Workflow